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New Mexico Fly Fishing Photo Galleries

Here are some photos of fly fishing in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado, our rivers, lakes and streams and some of the fish folks have caught.

Click on any of the images below to open a photo gallery. Once the gallery opens, you can click anywhere on the right side of the image to go to the next photo - click on the left side of the image to go to the previous one. Enjoy!

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Gallery I

Nice Early Summer Brown Trout - Chama River, New Mexico Releasing a fish - San Juan River Float Trip Fall Fly Fishing on the Lower Brazos River, NM Beautiful Fish on the Conejos River in Southern Colorado Another Nice Conejos River Rainbow Fly fishing is fun! Rigging up - Conejos River, Southern Colorado Fall Brown Trout - Fly Fishing in New Mexico San Antonio Creek - Valles Caldera National Preserve January Fly Fishing on the Chama River, New Mexico Spring Fishing at the Valles Caldera National Preserve Fishing with Midges - San Juan River, NM Selassie the Smiling New Mexico Trout Dog (on the Chama River) New Mexico Cuttbow Trout Angler and Fishing Guide - October on the Chama River, NM Quinlan Ranch Rainbow Trout (With a Rise on the Lake in the Background) Fly Fishing on the Pecos River Near Santa Fe, NM A Chunky NM Rainbow Trout That Fell for a Dry Fly Male Rainbow Trout with a Kipe Jaw - San Juan River, New Mexico Lots of Fun Fishing on the Conejos Fly Fishing the High Mountain Streams in New Mexico - Yea! Adult Stonefly - The Middle of June and the Hatch is On! Fall Fishing on the Chama River Below El Vado Upper Brazos River Rainbow on a Hopper Pattern

Gallery II

Fly Fishing for Large Brown Trout - Chama River, New Mexico Nymph Fishing with an Indicator Dustin Fishing the Brazos River (Fly Rod Chronicles) Fall Fly Fishing on the Chama River in New Mexico Nice Rainbow Trout - Conejos River Fly Fishing Bent Rod on the Upper Brazos River - Early Summer at 10,000 feet in NM "Honey, You've Caught Three Times as Many Fish as I Have... Stop It!" Taking a Break on the Lower Brazos River in NM Big Springtime Rainbow Trout - Conejos River, Southern Colorado Dry Fly Fishing in the High Mountain Meadows of New Mexico Big Dog and Big Fish - Early Spring Fly Fishing in the Rockies Big Brown Trout - Chama River, New Mexico Fly Fishing at the Valles Caldera National Preserve Big Spring Rainbow at the Bar X Bar Ranch Dry Fly Fishing - East Fork of the Jemez in the VCNP Late Summer Fly Fishing - Chama River, NM The End of the Rainbow on an Alpine River in New Mexico Fly Fishing on the Lower Brazos River in New Mexico Nice Conejos River Trout! (Father, Son and Guide) Beautiful New Mexico Rainbow Trout - Streamer Fishing Nice One in the Net - San Juan River, New Mexico All Smiles Double Hook-up - Quninlan Ranch Lakes Fishing a Mountain Pool - Vallecitos River, Northern New Mexico Fly Fishing Fun in the Summertime

Gallery III

Wintertime - Chama River Rainbow Trout Fishing an Alpine Meadow Stream in Northern New Mexico Nice Chama River Brown Trout - November in Northern New Mexico High Altitude Fly Fishing - Horseshoe Creek, New Mexico Winter Fly Fishing - Chama River, NM New Mexico Brown Trout - Fall Fly Fishing on the Chama River Netting a Fish - Summer Fly Fishing on the Chama Trout Food - Chama River Stonefly Nymph Beautiful New Mexico Rainbow Trout Un-hooking a Wild Brown Trout - Rio Grande, NM Fly Fishing on the Jemez River, New Mexico What a Fish! - Fly Fishing near Santa Fe, NM Fly Fishing on the Rio Grande There are Big Brooktrout in New Mexico... Fly Fishing the Pecos River in New Mexico Big Summertime Rainbow in Southern Colorado - Nice! Early Morning Mist on the Chama River - Late September Pecos River Fly Fishing near Santa Fe, New Mexico A Big New Mexico Rainbow Trout  That Fell For a Mouse Pattern Fall Fly Fishing on the Chama River in New Mexico Letting a Wild Brown Trout Go - Northern New Mexico River Big Bend in the Rod - Late Spring on Don's Lake at the Quinlan Ranch Early Spring Male Rainbow with Large Kipe/Hooked Jaw All Smiles - Great Fly Fishing in New Mexico

Gallery IV

Dry Fly Fishing in the High Mountain Meadows of Northern New Mexico First Trout caught on a Fly Rod - Late November on the Chama River Bringing a Nice Rainbow to the Driftboat - San Juan River Float Trip A Beautiful Southern Colorado Brown Trout that Fell for a Stonefly Early Fall Fly Fishing on the Lower Brazos River in New Mexico Large Trout Eat Hopper Patterns in the Summer - Nice! Mid-March in a Wild Canyon Stretch of a New Mexico Stream - Rio Grande Cutthroats? The Clouds Rolled in and the Fish Started to Bite - Nice Rainbow! Big Bad Boy Ready for the Girls - Fall Brown Trout Fishing in New Mexico Changing a Fly on a Late Afternoon in August - The Chama River Taking an Impressive Rainbow Trout Out of the Net Fishing Fun on Don's Lake at the Quinlan Ranch in Chama, NM What a Nice Double! June Fishing in Northern New Mexico A 26 Inch Long Rainbow Trout on a Size 26 Midge - Wade Fishing on the San Juan River Fish-On! Mountain Canyon Pocket Water - Summertime Fly Fishing in NM Fishing with Buddy - Late Summer on the Conejos River Southern Colorado Brown Trout in the Early Fall Putting One in the Net - Late Summer Evening at the MK Ranch on the Navajo River Lake Run Rainbow Trout - Springtime Fly Fishing on the Chama River The Fish Get Hungry in the Early Fall - Nice Rainbow! Good Looking Lower Chama River Brown Trout - Winter Fly Fishing in New Mexico Trophy Sized Rio Grande Cutthroat for a Young Angler Hiking Down to a Remote Section of the Chama River in the Fall There Are Some Very Big Fish in NM & CO's Mountain Lakes

Slippery Fish Gallery

Slippery Fish on the Pecos River A Smiling "Ooops" on the Quinlan Ranch I Just Wanted a Kiss; You're Such a Pretty Fish... Can't Hold It! Flying Colors - Look a Rainbow "Oh S--t"! Come on W, hang on to that Chama River Brown Trout! Uh Ohhh - The Fish at the Quinlan Ranch are Feisty! Wash Your Face in Southern Colorado Catch Shane! Hey Maaannn! A Wild Brown Trout Does It's Own Acrobatic Release Hey, Come Back Here... Dag Nappit! San Juan River Flying Fish - Oops! Don't Cry Over Spilled Trout! It Was Just in My Hands! Coming Right At Ya'!!! Don't Worry; Be Happy! Jeeeez Jake!!! Whooooooopsy Daisy! Oh Crap, Did You Get the Picture Before... Who Cares - I know I Caught It! Them Biguns' Are Strong, Ain't They Esquire?
Fly fishing guides for the Santa Fe, Chama, Taos, Los Alamos and San Juan River areas.
Fishing trips on all the best streams, rivers and private ranches in Northern New Mexico.
San Juan River • Rio Grande • Red River • Chama River • Brazos River • Pecos River • Costilla Creek • Rio Vallecitos • Cimarron River
Cow Creek • Rio de Los Pinos • Jemez River • San Antonio Creek • Guadalupe River • Rio Pueblo de Taos • Conejos River • The Valles Caldera

Phone: (505) 629-5688   ~   Email:   ~   Land of Enchantment Guides: 1297 Bishop’s Lodge Road, Santa Fe, NM 87506