For more information
or to Book a Trip call:
(505) 629-5688
If you don't get us, please leave a message. We are probably out fishing and will call you back.

Contact Us

Call us anytime about fly fishing in New Mexico & Southern Colorado and our guided fly fishing trips and packages.
You can contact us by phone, sending an emailor by regular mail. If you call and don't get an answer, please leave a message. We are probably out fishing will return your call as soon as we get back to the office. We'll be looking forward to hearing from you.
Office & Trip Booking:
Phone: (505) 629-5688
Shop Address:
Land of Enchantment Guides & The Fly Fishing Outpost
1297 Bishop's Lodge Road
Santa Fe, NM 87506
Mailing Address:
PO Box 667
Tesuque, NM 87574