For more information
or to Book a Trip call:
(505) 629-5688
If you don't get us, please leave a message. We are probably out fishing and will call you back.

Wildlife in New Mexico and Colorado
While fishing New Mexico and Colorado's rivers and streams, there is always a good chance of seeing many different kinds of wildlife.
New Mexico has rich and abundant wildlife and most of it is concentrated somewhere within the vicinity of a river or stream - water is life in the high desert. During a day of fly fishing you may see mule deer, elk and pronghorn antelope. Along the streams you will see the tracks of raccoons, muskrats, coyotes and other wildlife. Perhaps you will come upon where beavers have built their dams or where they have cut down willows and cottonwoods. You may even find the footprints and scat of a black bear or the chewed off tips of ponderosa pine, a sure sign that a tassel-eared squirrel is in the area. Chances are good that you will see at least one or more of these animals on a fly fishing trip here in Northern New Mexico.For birds, you may see red-tailed hawks, falcons, cliff swallows, bluebirds, swifts and flickers. Along the edges of the streams you could see a wonderful little bird called the American Dipper or Ouzel. While fishing the larger streams and rivers, you may see various ducks, osprey, or maybe even a bald or golden eagle. No matter where you are, you will see the
ever present ravens and turkey vultures.