For more information
or to Book a Trip call:
(505) 629-5688
If you don't get us, please leave a message. We are probably out fishing and will call you back.

New Mexico Fly Fishing Information and Helpful Fly Fishing Links

New Mexico Weather Forecasts
NWS Forecast Office - Albuquerque: Just click on the NM state map in the area you want to know about. This seems to be the most accurate forecast of them all.Website
Accuweather: Santa Fe (87505) - Taos (87571) - Chama (87520) - San Juan River (87419)
New Mexico and Colorado Fly Fishing
New Mexico Stream-flows: USGS Real-time data for New Mexico stream-flows.Website
US Army Corps of Engineers: Rio Grande Basin Reservoir and stream data from data collection platforms (DCP's). This site shows current dam releases along with general water information from the Corps of Engineers.
Conejos River Stream-flows: Real-time stream-flow data for the Conejos River at Mogote.
New Mexico Game & Fish: This site covers everything involving fishing, hunting, birding and outdoor recreation here in New Mexico.
NRCS National Water and Climate Center: New Mexico SNOTEL Snow/Precipitation Update Report. This site gives comparative data of current water and snow-pack levels.
Valles Caldera National Preserve: An 89,000 acre preserve, home to the headwaters of The East Fork of the Jemez and San Antonio Creek. See the Rivers & Streams page for a more in-depth description.
Mesilla Valley Flyfishers: MVFF is fly fishing club located in Las Cruces, NM with over 200 members. A wonderful organization and community of fly fishers.
New Mexico Trout: An organization dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of trout fishing in New Mexico's waters.
Trout Unlimited New Mexico Council: This is the one place for you to keep updated on all the issues, news and projects that TU is involved with in New Mexico.
Facebook Page
Western Native Trout Initiative: A group dedicated to the preservation of western native trout species.
Private Fly Fishing Water & Ranches
Websites of some of the ranches we work with. See the Private Water page for a more in-depth description.Corkins Lodge: A great place to stay, right on the Brazos River.
Fishing in Other Locations
Scorpion Sportfishing: In Mexico, operating out of Southern Baja's famed East Cape, Scorpion Sportfishing offers inshore, offshore and fly fishing charter services for the novice to the seasoned angler for a multitude of species. Great guides and good friends.Website
General Fly Fishing & Fly Tying
Zia ~ Rods: Located in Eldorado, just outside of Santa Fe, Daniel Gowe builds beautiful, custom handcrafted bamboo fly rods. Along with building new rods, restoration and repair of older bamboo rods is available. A great rod builder and craftsman located right here in New Mexico.Website
Thomas & Thomas Fly Rods: Handmade in the USA since 1969, these world-class freshwater and saltwater fly rods are the best on the market.
Website . Facebook Page
ClackaCraft Drift Boats: These are simply the best drift boats made - they are what we use. If you are thinking about getting a boat, this is the one to have.
J. Stockard Fly Fishing: A great online source for fly tying materials, line, leaders, etc. We buy lots of our fly tying stuff from them. Great service and great people!
Fly Anglers On Line: This is a great site with all kinds of information for every level of fly fisherman and fly tier.
Website If you want to learn all about the insects and food that trout eat, this site is well worth a look.
Abel Reels: Abel fly reels are the Cadillac and Rolls Royce of fly reels, rolled into one. Fun to check out all of their design possibilities. We can order any reels from their website for you.
Fly Craft Angling: Phil Rowley's website which offers some of the best information on fly fishing in lakes. Great articles, fly patterns, entomology and more - worth a look.
Hareline Dubbin: Hareline is, hands down, the premier source for fly tying materials.